Monday, April 26, 2010

Homosexuality is just as bad as pedophilia

Recently a prominent member of the Catholic church announced that pedophilia committed by priests were not results of celibacy, but rather homosexuality. The gay community, of course, was outraged by these baseless accusations. But in my opinion, pedophilia and homosexuality are objectively equivalent in some aspects. In case you're thinking I'm suggesting that homosexuality is immoral and detestable just like pedophilia, I'm not saying that, nor am I lying through the title of this post.

Pedophilia, according to Wikipedia, is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for prepubescent children. (Fun facts you may or may not know: Hebephilia and ephebophilia) Not too long ago, homosexuality was considered a disorder as well. But times change, and what's considered wrong and taboo at one point in history may not be true in the not so distant future. So am I saying it's okay to desire kids? Let's break this down a little further.

I'll be discussing pedophilia generally without all the technical definitions and requirements as detailed in psychological manuals, since the Catholics don't seem to be using that term in that context either, or at least that's my view on it. So once again, is it okay to want kids sexually? Well, what's wrong with it exactly? In my opinion, the issues that arise are few, but significant in the eyes of society.

"They are too young to be having sex." What's the determining factor, exactly? Is it the age difference? If so, it's not really consistent. It's all right if a 50-year-old has sex with a 40-year-old, but not okay socially if a 20-year-old sleeps with someone a decade his or her junior. If it's the age difference that's an issue, then that should apply for all age groups, so that can't be the reason.

So is it the actual age? Who decides what age is old enough? Isn't that an arbitrary number? If you're legally too young to be having sex one day before your birthday, why is it suddenly okay the day after? Does your body go through some miraculous changes once you hit a certain age that sex becomes acceptable? Perhaps this is about not being able to reproduce, and therefore sex is not productive and therefore should be prohibited. But we don't always use our bodies in ways they were designed to function, like eating meat for example, according to some researchers. That's not really outlawed. So this can't be the reason either.

Or maybe it's the maturity of the minor that comes to question. But no matter what age, people have immaturely and irresponsibly spawned. There's no law against consensual sex between people of legal age, I don't think. At least not in many developed countries. So maturity is probably not the main issue here, or the legal system is just too inconsistent.

So if not maturity, then mental and or intellectual capacity? If it's because the child wouldn't understand what is being done, one can always be educated. The maturity aspect in understanding the concepts and their impact might come into play here, in which case refer to the previous paragraph. If it's really about intelligence, is it also wrong to make love to the mentally handicapped? Why should the law, or anyone, dictate something so unfair? This also can't be right.

Perhaps it's the power relationship between an authority figure and an impressionable mind. Once again, age doesn't necessarily change the dynamics in such situations. A doctor is still forbidden from mating with patients, so perhaps pedophilia is grounded in the same reasoning. In which case, why the unnecessary outlawing of pedophilia when age is not the main issue?

But despite my reasoning thus far, people will still be outraged that I said homosexuality is equivalent to pedophilia. I guess I shouldn't have talked for so long about pedophilia because that's not even my main point. My fault for organizing this post poorly. The point I'm making there is that both are preferences. Just like necrophilia, bestiality, and even heterosexuality. Sometimes they even overlap, and none of them should be wrong in and of themselves. If anything, the only thing wrong with these practices would be the lack of consent, which applies to the categories I've mentioned as well as others, excluding necrophilia, because inanimate objects can't allow or deny anything.

But back to the point of preferences. Preferring prepubescent individuals should be no different than desiring any other kinds of individuals. Everyone has their preferences; why is one acceptable and another not? If anything, the point that should be emphasized might be to love and desire equally, to treat everyone the same way. But it's not easy to sidestep personal preferences, so I wouldn't encourage that either, because there's no reason to do so.

So why is heterosexuality good, homosexuality borderline acceptable, and other preferences not so much? Because majority rules? Maybe other preferences that fall under hetero-, homo-, or bisexuality are the true majorities. Who knows if 98% of the earth's population is really into pedophilia? Not too many people will admit to these preferences simply because society as a majority has made these taboo. So perhaps setting our standards based on what's socially expressed is misguided.

Maybe God is the ultimate standard? Let's say the Christian God exists for the sake of argument. If this is so, He has expressed in Scripture that homosexuality is wrong, though debates have arisen about the validity of this conclusion. Let's say it's true for the sake of argument once more. If God has truly stated heterosexuality and sex between a man and his wife is the only way to go, I think this standard is arbitrary. God created everything, including sexes, so it is His idea that these two genders are created to connect emotionally, intimately, and at the nether regions. He could very well have designed the race to be divided into more than two sexes, or to create everyone to be homosexual by default. But He didn't, and so heterosexuality is deemed the correct way to live a sexual life, although perhaps He Himself doesn't care that much either.

I think God creates entities that fall short of His standards, not just to make it clear who's in charge and is more powerful, but for personal amusement. If everyone's up to standards, it's pretty boring. You need the deviants from the established guideline around to stir things up a bit.

According to this theory of mine, one should find that life is unfair, since deviations are divinely assigned to individuals, which also means that entry to Heaven is predetermined by the maker. If you complain about this, you probably don't want in to begin with. Likely this means you'd rather have your devious preferences over salvation, because otherwise you wouldn't complain but just change your behaviours accordingly. And if you resent God for not liking your qualities, why would you want to live with Him for eternity anyway? That's just masochistic. Go burn in hell with a smile instead.

This post was written over a long period of time, so the concepts might be a little jumbled and the delivery might be poor. If you need clarifications, drop a comment and I'll get back to you somehow.

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